Randy Luton RateForce CEO

Randy Luton

Randy Luton is the Founder and CEO of RateForce. He is passionate about InsurTech services and has in-depth knowledge about the auto insurance sector of the USA.

Parked Car Insurance: Do I need it? Detailed Guide

Key Insights: Parked car insurance is one of the most[...]

How Road Rage impacts your Car Insurance? Detailed Guide

Key Insights: The cases of road rage are increasing rapidly[...]

All about Non Owner Car Insurance: Detailed Guide

Key Insights: Non-owner car insurance has become a necessity for[...]

How does Mileage affect Car Insurance? Guide for Drivers

Key insights: The annual mileage of a driver defines the[...]

Car Insurance for Disabled Drivers: Everything You Need to Know

Key Insights: Driving a vehicle as per the will of[...]

Insurtech Trends 2024: How Technology is Changing the Insurance Landscape

Key Insights: Companies are adopting insurtech trends rapidly to deliver[...]

Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? Complete Guide

You have no idea that the building or the area[...]

Why are Car Insurance rates increasing in 2024

Key Insights: Inflation has affected car insurance costs big time.[...]

What to do after a Car Accident? Detailed Guide

Key Insights: Most drivers get confused about what to do[...]